Inverse header example

Html publication header

The inverse header component is used on HTML publications. See example on GOV.UK here

How it looks (preview)


LN5 0AT, Jackson Homes (Scopwick) Ltd: environmental permit application

Published 22 April 2016

How to call this example

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/inverse_header", {} do %>
  <!-- example content -->
  <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/heading", {
    text: "LN5 0AT, Jackson Homes (Scopwick) Ltd: environmental permit application",
    inverse: true,
    context: "Notice",
    padding: true,
    font_size: "xl"
  } %>
  <p class="publication-header__last-changed">Published 22 April 2016</p>
  <!-- end of example content -->
<% end %>