1. Component Guide
  2. Accordion (experimental)
  3. With track show all clicks
Accordion (experimental) example

With track show all clicks

To switch on Google Analytics for the “Show all sections” button on click, pass track_show_all_clicks: true the values passed on open will be Event Action: accordionOpened Event Category: pageElementInteraction Event Label: Show all sections

How it looks (preview)

Writing well for the web

This is content for accordion 1 of 2

Writing well for specialists

This is content for accordion 2 of 2

How to call this example

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/accordion", {
  track_show_all_clicks: true,
  items: [
      heading: {
        text: "Writing well for the web",
        id: "writing-well-for-the-web-2"
      content: {
        html: sanitize("<p class=\"govuk-body\">This is content for accordion 1 of 2</p>")
      heading: {
        text: "Writing well for specialists"
      content: {
        html: sanitize("<p class=\"govuk-body\">This is content for accordion 2 of 2</p>")
} %>