
Page views chart

This chart is a visual representation of the data available in the table.
Data table
2015-01-01 2015-01-02 2015-01-03 2015-01-04 2015-01-05 2015-01-06 2015-01-07 2015-01-08 2015-01-09 2015-01-10
January 2015 500 1,190 740 820 270 450 110 210 670 430

Multiple rows of data

Page views chart

This chart is a visual representation of the data available in the table.
Data table
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
January 2015 5 119 74 82 27 45 11 21 67 43
January 2016 5 8 37 50 43 29 67 61 14 91
January 2017 31 81 12 15 52 61 143 27 18 34

Vertical table

Page views chart

This chart is a visual representation of the data available in the table.
Data table
January 2015 January 2016
1st 5 3
2nd 119 8
3rd 74 37
4th 117 82
5th 33 118
6th 89 85
7th 79 80

With a different heading level

Page views chart

This chart is a visual representation of the data available in the table.
Data table
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
January 2015 5 119 74 117 33 89 79
January 2016 3 8 37 82 118 85 80

With a download link

Page views chart

This chart is a visual representation of the data available in the table.
Data table
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
January 2015 5 119 74 117 33 89 79
January 2016 3 8 37 82 118 85 80

Download chart data

With margin bottom

Page views chart

This chart is a visual representation of the data available in the table.
Data table
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
January 2015 5 119 74 117 33 89 79
January 2016 3 8 37 82 118 85 80