Contextual footer
Footer that shows different things depending on the page
This is a component that calls other components. For more accurate preview with real data, see the contextual navigation preview.
It will render the related navigation component in the context of a footer if the content item is not part of a step by step.
It must always be used with the contextual breadcrumbs component.
How it looks (preview) (preview all)
How to call this component
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/contextual_footer", {
content_item: {
title: "A content item",
links: {
mainstream_browse_pages: [
title: "Apprenticeships, 14 to 19 education and training for work",
base_path: "/browse/education/find-course",
document_type: "mainstream_browse_page"
title: "Finding a job",
base_path: "/browse/working/finding-job",
document_type: "mainstream_browse_page"
topical_events: [
title: "UK-China High-Level People to People Dialogue 2017",
base_path: "/government/topical-events/uk-china-high-level-people-to-people-dialogue-2017",
document_type: "topical_event"
related: [
title: "Pest Control",
base_path: "/pest-control",
document_type: "contact"
related_statistical_data_sets: [
title: "International road fuel prices",
base_path: "/government/statistical-data-sets/comparisons-of-industrial-and-domestic-energy-prices-monthly-figures",
document_type: "statistical_data_set"
title: "Weekly road fuel prices",
base_path: "/government/statistical-data-sets/oil-and-petroleum-products-weekly-statistics",
document_type: "statistical_data_set"
world_locations: [
title: "South Sudan",
base_path: "/world/south-sudan/news"
title: "USA",
base_path: "/world/usa/news"
details: {
external_related_links: [
url: "",
title: "Student loans: terms and conditions 2017 to 2018 (PDF, 136KB)"
title: "The Student Room repaying your student loan",
url: ""
} %>
Accessibility acceptance criteria
Components called by this component must be accessible
Other examples
With step by step (preview)
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/contextual_footer", {
content_item: {
title: "A content item",
links: {
part_of_step_navs: [
title: "Choosing a micropig or micropug: step by step",
base_path: "/micropigs-vs-micropugs"
ordered_related_items: [
title: "Find an apprenticeship",
base_path: "/apply-apprenticeship"
} %>
Without ga4 tracking (preview)
Disables GA4 tracking on the component. Tracking is enabled by default.
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/contextual_footer", {
disable_ga4: true,
content_item: {
title: "A content item",
links: {
mainstream_browse_pages: [
title: "Apprenticeships, 14 to 19 education and training for work",
base_path: "/browse/education/find-course",
document_type: "mainstream_browse_page"
title: "Finding a job",
base_path: "/browse/working/finding-job",
document_type: "mainstream_browse_page"
topical_events: [
title: "UK-China High-Level People to People Dialogue 2017",
base_path: "/government/topical-events/uk-china-high-level-people-to-people-dialogue-2017",
document_type: "topical_event"
related: [
title: "Pest Control",
base_path: "/pest-control",
document_type: "contact"
related_statistical_data_sets: [
title: "International road fuel prices",
base_path: "/government/statistical-data-sets/comparisons-of-industrial-and-domestic-energy-prices-monthly-figures",
document_type: "statistical_data_set"
title: "Weekly road fuel prices",
base_path: "/government/statistical-data-sets/oil-and-petroleum-products-weekly-statistics",
document_type: "statistical_data_set"
world_locations: [
title: "South Sudan",
base_path: "/world/south-sudan/news"
title: "USA",
base_path: "/world/usa/news"
details: {
external_related_links: [
url: "",
title: "Student loans: terms and conditions 2017 to 2018 (PDF, 136KB)"
title: "The Student Room repaying your student loan",
url: ""
} %>