
Specific input type

With autocomplete

Numeric input

With an identifier

With aria attributes

With hint

Please provide your first and last name

With error

Error: Please could you provide your name

With error items

Error: Descriptive link to the question with an error 1
Descriptive link to the question with an error 2

With value



With maxlength

With custom width

It’s on your National insurance card, benefit letter, payslip or P60. For example, ‘QQ 12 34 56 C’.

With search icon

With label as heading

With prefix

With suffix

With prefix and suffix

With suffix and error

Error: Enter the approximate lead time in days, do not include words or symbols.

With enterhintkey attribute

With dir attribute

Some hint text that displays in the same text direction as the label

Error: An error message that displays in the same text direction as the label

With separate dir attributes for field and help text

Some hint text that displays in the same text direction as the label

Error: An error message that displays in the same text direction as the label