Published dates example
Display page history
This will set up an expandable section on the page, with a top border, to let users toggle the display of the page history.
How it looks (preview)
How to call this example
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/published_dates", {
published: "1st January 1990",
last_updated: "20th October 2016",
history: [
display_time: "1st January 1990",
note: "First published",
timestamp: "1990-01-01 15:42:37 +0000"
display_time: "20th July 1995",
note: "Updated to include information for 1994",
timestamp: "1995-07-20 15:42:37 +0000"
display_time: "14th October 2000",
note: "Updated information on pupil premium reviews and what information schools need to publish on their websites.",
timestamp: "2000-10-14 15:42:37 +0000"
} %>